The History Of Architecture In A Proverbial Nutshell
The History Of Architecture In A Proverbial Nutshell

When you think about architecture, and its history throughout time, it can seem to be a very complex topic. If you go back to the Neolithic period, which is right at the turn of the end of the Ice Age at 10,000 BCE, you will see the people who lived in caves also had certain strategies that they used for the architecture they had available. Today, in visual terms, from an ocular perspective, architectural designs are often made, and sometimes fueled, by the need for something aesthetic and appealing.
When you think of modern architecture you are likely considering these aspects which include ways of describing this topic which may include brutal, modern, elegant, and many other additives that will reflect the spirit of the time, as well as how we are proceeding through a world of changes that are reflective of our culture and way of life. When considering aspects such as parallelism, especially when reflecting on human history, there is a strong presence related to societal change that can be found in physical evidence in the architecture that we produce. Before reading on it may be worth seeing ‘building cost calculator‘
History Of Architecture Globally
If you are thinking about some of the greatest leaders in the world, such as the church, architectural history, as well as the history of art, are not exempt from this rule of being controlled by the victors. There are many old buildings that you can see which were often developed by those that were in power, and if they were well-designed, they have survived for centuries, showing how carefully those that were in power were able to watch over and protect them. As you consider that aspect of architecture, you may be surprised to realize that, such as in Roman architecture, that this aspect of architectural development goes back even beyond this time. For example, buildings that were put up were preserved, even those that were developed in antiquity, and were erected for different purposes. Thus, when you look at the remnants of what does remain, some of which were dedicated for religious purposes to venerate the gods of the time, you will also see secular buildings, those that had no religious connotation at all that have also survived. This is an illustration of these very different histories which were parallel in some natures. When you think about older civilizations, those that were more focused on the afterlife, you see this form of inspiration in the designs of architecture, especially in older buildings that can be found in places like Egypt where you have pyramids and tombs.
The Pyramid And The Ziggurat
The ziggurat is one of those pieces of chronological history that people often talk about which is a symbolic structure representative of our past. Stories of the Tower of Babel, this ziggurat that was designed by those that followed Marduk, a God in Mesopotamia, are still being talked about today. These were said to be terrorist structures, massive in size, and often used for ritualistic purposes that were thought to be predecessors of the pyramids that most of us are more familiar with today. It is because it had a stent structure, one that was designed to reach for the sky, that these step pyramids, ziggurats, are thought to be designed for the express purpose of connecting the earth to the sky which is how the ancestors back then perceived the world around them.
Practically speaking, it was also a fortress, designed for the protection of the people, and it can also be advantageous if there were floodwaters placing them high above what could be a great disaster. When the Egyptians were building step pyramids, something that can be seen looking at the Third Dynasty of Egypt, specifically Djoser’s pyramid and the history of Imhotep, you can see these correlations. However, as the development of Egyptian tombs moved forward in time, this gradually became the three great pyramids of Giza that are so popular today, pyramids that were acquired during the Fourth Dynasty, complete with smooth sides and the admiration of millions as it stands today. Finally, as you look at other pyramids from Mesoamerican cultures, such as the Mayans, you can see that these were reminiscent of the Mesopotamian pyramids, yet they were built at a much later point in time despite sharing commonalities and separation of thousands of miles and cultural influence.